Published 04.06.2013

Integrated program of commercial revitalization (PIR) of the historic center of Pistoia

Scope: Project development and urban regeneration: analyze the constituents of the offer of the historic center and define a development path that can also obtain public-private funding dedicated
Year: anno 2005

At Pistoia the background essential to an effective job of urban marketing was present for some time prior to engagement: the main local stakeholders, and primarily the Administration and associations of trade, had made a pact of cooperation and consultation interventions for urban development that had already given some precious fruit.

Among other things, a work of historical development of the shops, the definition of operator agreements that governed the operations of the co-operation in the area, the detailed information on the life cycle of companies and their training needs.

In Pistoia was then activates a card for purchases that had broad support and a good participation of companies and clients, and that arose at the time as a reference to the national level.

Also on the design front, both the government (for example with the traffic studies and the historic center carried out in collaboration with Syntagma and Studio Cervellati) that trade associations (eg projects to be submitted in the Region for the dedicated funding), they had made many strides.

The instrument of the Integrated Program of Revitalization has been understood and developed as a flexible tool, which was built by the local environment and the state of the art of urban marketing and arose dialectically in collaboration with stakeholders, the so-called stakeholders.

It 'seemed at once that, in the face of a great harvest of thematic analysis (traffic, architecture, urbanism, on professionalism), it could usefully improve the state of knowledge of the Old Town in its role of "host" of commercial and economic structures paracommerciali.

The investigations that were carried out were as follows:

 - Perimentrazione of the Nature Center;

- Census of Economic Activities "visible" from the street settled within the confines of natural shopping center;

- Analysis of the distribution and density of the types of economic activities;
- Analysis of the compartments inactive;
- Analysis of the relationship between total supply and system accessibility, net and gross of rooms inactive;
- Deepening on the driving activities of the historic center;
- Analysis of the life cycle of the old town through the absolute and comparative assessment of property values;
- Analysis of network quality of administration of food and beverages;
- Development revitalization projects.

These, and other related issues, the specialists of the working group sync Polis gave answer in the course of work, in the belief that information more complete and structured constituted the basis for any consultation and any decisions relating a complex organism such as Old Town.

The management of the natural shopping center could therefore base their strategies on homogeneous data and advanced on supply and demand. Below are two examples of "photographs statistics" of the town: